- When searching by name, try LAST NAME, FIRST NAME or just LAST NAME.
- To search address, just use number and street, do not use city, state, zip (Ex. 903 Diamond Park).
- Searching by name will provide you with 911 addresses and parcels, same information may be in the location (if the owner of the land and the structures are the same)
- When searching, try different combinations (ADDRESS: "903 Diam", "903 Diamond Square", "903 Diamond" / NAME: "Smith, John", "Smith, Jo", "Smith" etc).
- No punctuation in search criteria, when using abbreviations, be sure you do not use any punctuation.
Road Names:
Postal standards are used for 911 Addressing, so here are some examples on finding 911 addresses/roads:
- State Highway 86
- Alden Street Ext
- US Highway 322
- Hickory St
- State Hwy 86 / Hwy 86 / State Route 86
- Alden St Ext (any extensions, the word "street" is spelled out)
- US Hwy 322 / Hwy 322
- Hickory St.
General Information:
Due to the amount of information, and various internet connection speeds, the map may take a few minutes to load. Please be patient!
Please explore the maps for additional features, you can see the campsites (found in Woodcock Lake Park and Pymatuning State Parks - found also in the Landmarks).