Crawford County, Pennsylvania

Elected Officials


The Commissioners web page contains a picture of the current commissioners in Crawford County Government.

The Election Results web page shows the results of the most recent voter elected winners of either the Primary or General Election.

Elected Officials in Crawford County Government
The following positions are elected by the voters of Crawford County and their terms last for 4 years.

Commissioners Scott T. Schell
Eric Henry
Christopher R. Seeley
Clerk of Courts Patti Wetherbee
County Auditors Kelsey Zimmerman
Renee Kiser
Darien Pfaff
County Coroner Eric Coston
District Attorney Paula DiGiacomo
Prothonotary Emmy Arnett
Register & Recorder Beth M. Forbes
Sheriff Dave Powers
Treasurer Chris Krzysiak

The Judges of the Court of Common Pleas serve 10 Year Terms and Magisterial District Judges serve a 6 year term.

Common Pleas Judges John F. Spataro, President Judge
Mark D. Stevens
Francis J. Schultz
Magisterial District Judges Samuel Pendolino
Adam Stallard
Lincoln S. Zilhaver
Amy Nicols


The County of Crawford lies in northwestern Pennsylvania. Originally it was inhabited by the Iroquiois Indians and other tribes and nations. In later years, the land was acquired by a group of Dutch investors under title of the Holland Land Company and resold to settlers. The Commonwealth allocated land to its Revolutionary War soldiers as a bonus settlement. The county was formed in 1800 from a portion of Allegheny County and named after Colonel William Crawford, an early military hero and close friend of George Washington.


903 Diamond Park Meadville, PA 16335

Phone: (814) 333-7300
Toll free: 800-982-9019

Fax: (814) 337-0457

Hours of Operation:
Monday - Friday 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM

State of Pennsylvania