Community support is offered by those volunteers that are approved to run programs in the facility. These volunteers range from religious supporter, to those in a drug and alcohol 12 step program, to outside agencies offering their services. To view the Program Activities and the Schedule,
click on this link.
All volunteers must completely fill out an application. A background check is then performed at no cost to the volunteer. The volunteer will either be approved or disapproved by the Warden or Deputy Warden.
Once the individual is approved they are notified by the facility Case Managers. The volunteer then must come into the facility during normal business hours to have their photograph taken and participate in an orientation process. The volunteer will then secure a Volunteer badge that they are to use to gain access to the facility during Program scheduled times.
If you wish to become a Volunteer feel free to print and completely fill out the Identification/Investigation Form below. You can either drop the form off during regular business hours to the Administrative Secretary or email it to the facility Case Managers.
Prohibited Volunteers:
- The following categories of individuals will be prohibited from visiting inmates at the Crawford County Correctional Facility as official visitors:
- Any former inmate of any correctional system including CCCF;
- Any person who is currently under parole or probation supervision;
- Any current inmate in pre-release statue;
- Any CCCF employee;
- Any former CCCF employee;
- Any currently active Volunteer for the CCCF;
- Any current or former contract employee; and/or
- Any victim of the inmate(without prior approval)
- The Crawford County Correctional Facility recognizes that legitimate reasons may exist for an inmate to receive visits from those categories of persons listed above. These persons may visit only with the permission of the warden of the CCCF as set forth below.
- The following procedures shall be followed for requesting approval for a prohibited volunteer to visit.
- The inmate requesting such a visit may submit a request slip to the warden identifying the official visitor by name, and status (current inmate, former inmate, parolee, employee, etc.) for the warden’s review and determination.
Case Managers:
Jill Tucker
Cyndi Peck
The entire volunteer form must be completed before submitting!