Crawford County, Pennsylvania

Juvenile Probation

Crawford County Juvenile Probation provides supervision, care, and rehabilitation programs for children who have been found to have committed a delinquent act. These programs provide balanced attention to the protection of the community, accountability for offenses committed, and the development of competencies to enable children to become responsible and productive members of the community. Crawford County Juvenile Probation is a part of the Pennsylvania’s Juvenile Justice System Enhancement Strategy and utilizes several tools to assist youth in making behavior change, being accountable and improving skills. We strive to continuously improve the quality of our decisions, services and programs to assist youth. Juvenile Court jurisdiction can be provided for youth 10-21 years of age.

Crawford County Juvenile Probation provides:

  • General Probation Supervision- for juveniles who are adjudicated delinquent of a misdemeanor or felony offense; supervision of juveniles who have entered into a Consent Decree or Informal Consent disposition. 
  • Conditions of Supervision/Probation
  • House Arrest/Electronic Monitoring Program-24/7 monitoring electronically/GPS
  • Aftercare Services-case management and general supervision of adjudicated delinquent youth who are in residential placement and treatment. Provides highly structured case management to transition successfully home and into the community.
  • Victim/Witness Support and Services-provides support services to victims of juvenile offender crime as well as witnesses for the Commonwealth. The following services can be provided: information on rights of crime victims, court proceeding notification, assistance with restitution determination, assistance with victim impact statements, court accompaniment, assistance in filing Victim's Compensation claims and general support to crime victims.
  • Drug and Alcohol Screening-
  • Diversionary Dispositions
  • Community Service - Provide community service work to youth to aid in paying financial obligations and building competencies. Assist with community service from referrals from local Magisterial District Courts. 
  • Restitution Program- Assist eligible youth in making financial repair to the victims.
  • Evidence Based Interventions- Aggression Replacement Training (ART), National Curriculum Training Institute (NCTI) for truancy, Effective Practices in Community Supervision (EPICS), Motivational Interviewing (MI), BITS, Carey Guides-CBI Tools
  • YLS - Youth Level of Service
  • Case Planning- Designed to target interventions and strategies that address the top criminogenic needs
  • Family and Youth Survey
  • Professional Alliance Traits- Utilized to develop effective professional relationships
  • Graduated Response- Foster positive behavior changes and utilize swift, effective consequences to hold youth accountable and to use incentive to promote positive behavior change.  
  • Service referrals- Assist in referrals for appropriate treatment to assist youth and families (MST, mental health services, evaluations, Drug and Alcohol counseling, Justice Works, Trauma assessments and counseling) 

Victim Claim Form and Victim Impact Form:

  • To access the Victim Claim and Victim Impact Form, please Click Here.
  • To access the Child's Victim Impact Statement, please Click Here.
  • You have rights as a victim of crime. In addition, there are standards of service that you can expect to receive as a victim of crime. The standards help ensure that you receive information, practical and emotional support and are able to participate fully in the juvenile justice system. These standards were created to make sure that you are treated with dignity and respect at all times, regardless of your gender, age, marital status, race, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability or religion.
    Please take a moment to tell us about your experience with the Crawford County Juvenile Probation Victim Services Department. Your feedback can help us improve to better meet the needs of the victims we serve. Please note that this survey will change as we are continuously working to improve our provided services and may include services not yet provided by Crawford County.  
  • To access the Victim Survey, please Click Here.
  • Victim/Witness Coordinator: Sofia Haugsdahl -
  • Law Enforcement's Role: Providing Victim's Compensation & Victims' Rights Information

Expungement Process for Juvenile Offenders:

A juvenile record will remain with a juvenile offender after disposition. A record in Pennsylvania is not sealed and may result in collateral consequences. Certain cases are eligible for the record to be expunged prior to a child’s 18th birthday. These cases types include dismissals, withdrawal of the charges, consent decree disposition or any case not found to be adjudicated delinquent.

Adjudication of delinquency cases cannot move for expungement until the child reaches 18 years of age and 5 years have lapsed and the individual has remained crime free, including summary offenses.

The Juvenile Probation Department will assist in all cases for an automatic expungement for consent decrees disposition and dismissed or withdrawn cases. Assistance by the juvenile probation department can be requested in adjudicated cases when eligible.

Contact personnel for expungement assistance:
Holly Varndell  
Nora Urey

Helpful links:


The County of Crawford lies in northwestern Pennsylvania. Originally it was inhabited by the Iroquiois Indians and other tribes and nations. In later years, the land was acquired by a group of Dutch investors under title of the Holland Land Company and resold to settlers. The Commonwealth allocated land to its Revolutionary War soldiers as a bonus settlement. The county was formed in 1800 from a portion of Allegheny County and named after Colonel William Crawford, an early military hero and close friend of George Washington.


903 Diamond Park Meadville, PA 16335

Phone: (814) 333-7300
Toll free: 800-982-9019

Fax: (814) 337-0457

Hours of Operation:
Monday - Friday 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM

State of Pennsylvania