The links below are presentations that were authored and presented by Crawford County GIS. These presentations are free to download and/or use, as long as credit is given to the author of each presentation (generally found on the first/last slide). These presentations have been created for a specific purpose/project and the information contained within may not be updated after their presentation date. The date of presentation will be provided before the title, this date will also reflect the last date the presentation was updated.
These presentations have been created via the experience of the Crawford County GIS staff, whom are by no means subject matter experts. Therefore, the presentations should be used as reference materials only.
Many presentations include speakers notes, providing more in-depth information to each slide. For the full experience, be sure enable the speakers notes option when viewing these presentations.
2018 Presentations
10/18/2018: Leveraging Enterprise GIS for local government - Northwestern Pennsylvania GIS Conference
2019 Presentations
10/16/2019: GIS introduction & demonstration - Crawford County Tax Collectors / General overview presentation
10/17/2019: Working outside the office walls - Field Collection & Crowdsourcing of data - Northwestern Pennsylvania GIS Conference
10/17/2019: Automating workflows with the sweet ArcPy module -or- How I learned to love python in GIS - Northwestern Pennsylvania GIS Conference
10/18/2019: GIS for assessment - Assessors Association of Pennsylvania
11/13/2019: Leveraging ArcGIS Online apps for the public
2020 Presentations
09/22/2020: GIS Applications for Emergency Managers & First Responders
2021 Presentations
10/28/2021: ArcGIS Hub Basic - Northwestern Pennsylvania GIS Conference
10/28/2021: ArcGIS Arcade - Northwestern Pennsylvania GIS Conference
2023 Presentations
10/19/2023: Leveraging the ArcGIS API for Pyhton - Northwestern Pennsylvania GIS Conference