Early Intervention Providers
Early Intervention Providers
Little Steps PT - Independent Physical Therapist 814-440-6089 Covers the western part of the County from Edinboro to Meadville including Conneaut Lake and Atlantic. | Amanda Gadsby - Independent Speech Therapist 724-992-3186 |
Felisa Reed - Independent Physical Therapist Also provides occupational therapy services. 814-823-6440 | Linda Wagner - Independent Occupational Therapist585-503-0405 |
Carolyn Bliss – Independent Registered Dietician 724-882-7111 | Marianne McCreight - Independent Special Instructor 724-699-3986 |
Next Step TherapyProvides Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy,
Speech Therapy, Special Instruction, and Nutrition services. 814-677-1390 www.nextsteptherapy.net | Easter Seals of Northwestern PAProvides Speech Therapy 814-437-3071 www.westernpa.easterseals.com |
Barber National InstituteProvides Physical Therapy 814-874-5671 www.barberinstitute.org | Janet Trychin - Independent Audiologist |
IU 5 Vision Services/Hearing Services | Kara Smith SI - Independent Evaluator |
Cammie Sands SLP - Independent Evaluator | |