Crawford County Human Services is gathering input on how various factors impact your life. These factors are called Social Determinants of Health (SDoH) and your response to the survey will help us address these critical and basic needs. The attached survey is anonymous and can be taken by scanning the below QR code or through the attached link:
Crisis Hotline
Are you or someone you know experiencing a mental health crisis? If so, please call the crisis line at 814-724-2732 or toll free at 1-888-275-7009 option 2. Someone is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to assist you and your friends or family.
Services Overview
The Crawford County Human Services Department Mental Health Program operates according to the guidelines set forth by the Mental Health Procedures Act of Pennsylvania. The Act provides for a comprehensive system of services providing a vast array of treatment options and rehabilitative services to children and adults with emotional disturbance or mental illness.
The Mental Health System in Crawford County is dedicated to providing children, adults and their families the most effective mental health treatment possible, and has made great strides in achieving this goal. Intake and Case Management are provided directly by the Human Services Department and all other community-based programs are available through our offices as well. We work to assure that all Mental Health Services are provided in the least restrictive manner possible in the hopes that children and adults with mental illness will remain in the community.
Any adult diagnosed with a serious mental illness or child diagnosed with emotional and/or behavior disturbance is eligible to receive services in Crawford County. For more information please contact Crawford County Human Services at
814-724-8380 or toll free at
1-877-334-8793 or:
Stephanie Ace Mental Health Program Specialist Crawford County Human Services 814-333-7300 ext. 3674 |
John Debevec Mental Health Program Specialist 2 Crawford County Human Services 814-333-7300 ext. 3694 |